So this is Part 2 of the kivy music player series. In this part we will see
- how to make Labels for song titles.
- how to add album images to our music player.
So this is the last code that we write in our part 1
import os import random import kivy kivy.require('2.0.0') from import App from kivymd.uix.relativelayout import MDRelativeLayout from kivymd.uix.button import MDIconButton from import MDApp from import SoundLoader from kivy.core.window import Window Window.size = (400,600) class MyApp(MDApp): def build(self): layout = MDRelativeLayout(md_bg_color = [0,0.5,1,1]) self.music_dir = 'F:/Project/Parts' music_files = os.listdir(self.music_dir) print(music_files) self.song_list = [x for x in music_files if x.endswith('mp3')] print(self.song_list) self.song_count = len(self.song_list) self.playbutton = MDIconButton(pos_hint={'center_x':0.4, 'center_y':0.05}, icon="play.png", on_press = self.playaudio) self.stopbutton = MDIconButton(pos_hint={'center_x':0.55, 'center_y':0.05}, icon="stop.png", on_press = self.stopaudio) layout.add_widget(self.playbutton) layout.add_widget(self.stopbutton) return layout def playaudio(self,obj): self.song_title = self.song_list[random.randrange(0, self.song_count)] print(self.song_title) self.sound = SoundLoader.load('{}/{}'.format(self.music_dir, self.song_title)) def stopaudio(self,obj): self.sound.stop() if __name__ == '__main__': MyApp().run()
Now from kivy library, import Label, Image UI elements, and Clock to schedule intervals.
from kivy.uix.label import Label from kivy.uix.image import Image from kivy.clock import Clock
Then add this code snippet in the build function to add label and image in music player
self.songlabel = Label(pos_hint={'center_x':0.5, 'center_y':.96}, size_hint=(1,1), font_size=18) self.albumimage = Image(pos_hint={'center_x':0.5, 'center_y':0.55}, size_hint=(.8,.75))
To add widgets in the layout, add below two lines in build function
layout.add_widget(self.songlabel) layout.add_widget(self.albumimage)
To update your play function with these new lines of code, these lines are extracting the song name from the song title (like 1_SongOne.mp3 – make sure songs are saved in this format in our folder, you can check in the previous part).
so to show Song Name we remove “.mp3” and “1_” from the title of the song.
For the image, we are taking the 0th element from the song title (like 1_SongOne.mp3) so we are taking the only 0th using self.song_title[0] and adding extension .jpg to set image in album image.
def playaudio(self,obj): self.song_title = self.song_list[random.randrange(0, self.song_count)] print(self.song_title) self.sound = SoundLoader.load('{}/{}'.format(self.music_dir, self.song_title)) self.songlabel.text = "===== Playing ~ "+self.song_title[2:-4] +" =====" self.albumimage.source = self.song_title[0]+".jpg"
Now when you will run the code up to this point, then initially the image and song will now be loaded, you can check the below image.

To solve this problem add one line in your build function.
so this line will execute the play audio function for the first time when the application will initiate, you can check in the below image.

So now suppose if you will click on the play button multiple times then you can find multiple songs that will play at the same time because we did now handle button enable and disable feature up to this point.
To handle this problem we can do one thing, after a click on the play button we can disable our play button and enable the stop button so that the user cannot click on the play button multiple times and for the stop button does it’s reverse.
To do this task update your stop button code (when the app will start, it should be disabled) and also update the play and stop function.
self.stopbutton = MDIconButton(pos_hint={'center_x':0.55, 'center_y':0.05}, icon="stop.png", on_press = self.stopaudio, disabled=True)
def playaudio(self,obj): self.playbutton.disabled = True self.stopbutton.disabled = False self.song_title = self.song_list[random.randrange(0, self.song_count)] print(self.song_title) self.songlabel.text = "===== Playing ~ "+self.song_title[2:-4] +" =====" self.sound = SoundLoader.load('{}/{}'.format(self.music_dir, self.song_title)) self.albumimage.source = self.song_title[0]+".jpg" def stopaudio(self,obj): self.playbutton.disabled = False self.stopbutton.disabled = True self.sound.stop()
Final Code Upto this Point
import os import random import kivy kivy.require('2.0.0') from import App from kivy.uix.label import Label from kivy.uix.image import Image from kivymd.uix.relativelayout import MDRelativeLayout from kivymd.uix.button import MDIconButton from import MDApp from import SoundLoader from kivy.clock import Clock from kivy.core.window import Window Window.size = (400,600) class MyApp(MDApp): def build(self): layout = MDRelativeLayout(md_bg_color = [0,0.5,1,1]) self.music_dir = 'F:/Project/Parts' music_files = os.listdir(self.music_dir) print(music_files) self.song_list = [x for x in music_files if x.endswith('mp3')] print(self.song_list) self.song_count = len(self.song_list) self.songlabel = Label(pos_hint={'center_x':0.5, 'center_y':.96}, size_hint=(1,1), font_size=18) self.albumimage = Image(pos_hint={'center_x':0.5, 'center_y':0.55}, size_hint=(.8,.75)) self.playbutton = MDIconButton(pos_hint={'center_x':0.4, 'center_y':0.05}, icon="play.png", on_press = self.playaudio) self.stopbutton = MDIconButton(pos_hint={'center_x':0.55, 'center_y':0.05}, icon="stop.png", on_press = self.stopaudio, disabled=True) layout.add_widget(self.songlabel) layout.add_widget(self.albumimage) layout.add_widget(self.playbutton) layout.add_widget(self.stopbutton) Clock.schedule_once(self.playaudio) return layout def playaudio(self,obj): self.playbutton.disabled = True self.stopbutton.disabled = False self.song_title = self.song_list[random.randrange(0, self.song_count)] print(self.song_title) self.songlabel.text = "===== Playing ~ "+self.song_title[2:-4] +" =====" self.sound = SoundLoader.load('{}/{}'.format(self.music_dir, self.song_title)) self.albumimage.source = self.song_title[0]+".jpg" def stopaudio(self,obj): self.playbutton.disabled = False self.stopbutton.disabled = True self.sound.stop() if __name__ == '__main__': MyApp().run()